Upcoming event for ARISE: Praying Parents.
Upcoming speaking events for Dr. Mormon.
Join us as we Fortify Everything…with the Word of God.
Speaking the Word of God and watching it Manifest in our lives.
Monday Mornings
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Every Monday morning Powerful prayers go forth covering our children and families. We take prayer request and praise reports and saturate them in prayer. We have experienced Amazing testimonies, Miracles, Signs, and Wonders have been our portion. Come and join us.
Life group Facilitator
We meet at the locations and time mentioned. Come and explore the Power of Your Words with Carla Mormon. Our dreams and destinies are as close as our breath depending on what we are saying. The Power of Life and Death are in the words that are coming out of our mouths. What are you saying? What seeds are you planting in the grounds of your life? Are you reaping a harvest of Your Words? Come out and delved into the world of Speaking Life into Your Life.
2020 Change Your Words Change Your World…