Remember the Fight is Fixed

Well, I wanted to share this encouraging word with you today.  So, I am in an early morning group text with some Amazing people.  The word shared this morning reminded me that the Fight is Fixed.  Now what he said was that we are to fight in Faith no matter the opposition.  BUT as soon as I read those words, I heard the Holy Spirit say so clearly Yes, Darling the Fight is Fixed. 

I immediately was reminded of the scripture of 1 Timothy 6:12 NIV - Fight the good Fight of the Faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

It is a Good Fight.  What you say! Yesss, it’s a good Fight because we win.  When you and I Fight in Faith we gain access. Access to the full force of heaven to back us up during opposition.  When we became believers, we were given the measure of FAITH.  This measure of FAITH is what supplies access for us to win.

We need to remember we are victorious when we Fight in Faith.  As we take hold of the eternal life to which we were called All the benefits of that calling are Now ours.  Winning our battles due to fixed fights are part of the benefits. 

The plan of the Lord is that He always causes us to win. We need to be aware of the opposition in our lives and how to use our FAITH to combat its affects. 

Let’s remember the Fight is Fixed and you win.


Yours in Christ,

Dr. Carla Mormon

The Faith Coach


